If you have Netflix watch this through their watch instantly feature. If not then go out and get this movie. This is one of the best documentaries to come out in a long time. Director Jake Clennell dives into the incredibly strange world of Japanese "host boys", which are a strange sort of prostitute that sell love and affection, not necessarily sex. Clennel takes no sides whatsoever in this film, he lets everyone, host boys and their clients, have a say and never inserts his own feelings into the movie. This is extremely rewarding if you are a fan of the documentary genre. As of lately douche bags like Micheal Moore have ruined documentaries by allowing himself and his views to become the focus. Instead of documenting something, documentarians have begun to make propaganda films about whatever their dumb misinformed agenda fueled group of friends think. People don't want to see "documentaries" showing how crazy and stupid conservatives and liberals are. Watch something real like this movie.
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